About Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd
Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd is a Welsh medium, natural history organization established by Dafydd Davies, Rhandirmwyn in 1978 for people who appreciate and want to learn more about the natural environment, geography and heritage of their country. It is named after Edward Llwyd (1660 -1709) the Welsh natural historian, geographer, linguist, and antiquary.
Field trips are held most Saturdays in each of three geographic areas: South and Mid Wales, North East Wales and Gwynedd and Anglesey. The field trips are led by people with a specialised and local knowledge of the flora, fauna and history of the area. Welsh learners are always welcome to join the field trips.
The society publishes two journals twice yearly. “Y Cylchlythyr” is a newsletter informing members about the society’s day to day activities and “Y Naturiaethwr” (The Naturalist) includes more substantial articles about various aspects of the natural world.
A linked website “Llên Natur” (Natural Lore) has been set up by the Society to collect, collate and store information from the public about the natural world and all aspects of the environment including weather, folk lore, place names, geology, flora and fauna. “Llên Natur” publishes a monthly ebulletin.
Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd aims to promote and standardise the use of the Welsh language within its fields of interest. To date it has published four Directories of Species which cross-reference Welsh, English and scientific names.
The society’s tent at the Welsh National Eisteddfod includes a small exhibition of its activities and features a specific aspect of the natural world. Additionally, it provides a focal point for members and other interested parties on the Eisteddfod field. During Eisteddfod week the Society sponsors the annual Edward Llwyd lecture and arranges an Eisteddfod field trip.